Augmented Communication for XR

Our research on "Augmented Communication" aims to enhance remote communication in virtual and augmented reality through the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as machine learning, eye tracking, visual augmentation, and gesture recognition. Through this research, we have developed innovative solutions such as Visual Captions, which proactively suggests relevant visuals to aid in open-vocabulary conversations; ThingShare, a video-conferencing system that facilitates the sharing of physical objects; GazeChat, a remote communication system that utilizes gaze-awareness to represent users in 3D profile photos; and CollaboVR, a framework that enables multi-user communication in virtual reality through the design of interactive and reconfigurable layouts. Our goal is to further the state-of-the-art in real-time systems for augmented communication in VR and AR, ultimately making remote communication more universally accessible and effective.


teaser image of Visual Captions: Augmenting Verbal Communication With On-the-fly Visuals

Visual Captions: Augmenting Verbal Communication With On-the-fly Visuals📹 Open Source, Real-time, Live!

Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023.
Keywords: augmented communication, large language models, video-mediated communication, online meeting, collaborative work, augmented reality, XR interaction

teaser image of Experiencing Thing2Reality: Transforming 2D Content Into Conditioned Multiviews and 3D Gaussian Objects for XR Communication

Experiencing Thing2Reality: Transforming 2D Content Into Conditioned Multiviews and 3D Gaussian Objects for XR Communication

Adjunct Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2024.
Keywords: extended reality, augmented communication, image-to-3D, remote collaboration, spatial referencing, co-presence

teaser image of ThingShare: Ad-Hoc Digital Copies of Physical Objects for Sharing Things in Video Meetings

ThingShare: Ad-Hoc Digital Copies of Physical Objects for Sharing Things in Video Meetings

Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023.
Keywords: video-mediated communication, object-centered meetings, online meeting, collaborative work, augmented communication, XR interaction

teaser image of Modeling and Improving Text Stability in Live Captions

Modeling and Improving Text Stability in Live Captions🚀 Landed in Live Transcribe App

Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA), 2023.
Keywords: live captions; real-time transcription; visual instability; flickering metric; speech-to-text; text stability; tokenized alignment; augmented communication

teaser image of Experiencing Visual Captions: Augmented Communication With Real-time Visuals Using Large Language Models

Experiencing Visual Captions: Augmented Communication With Real-time Visuals Using Large Language Models

Adjunct Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2023.
Keywords: augmented communication, large language models, video-mediated communication, online meeting, collaborative work, dataset, textto-visual, AI agent, augmented reality

teaser image of GazeChat: Enhancing Virtual Conferences With Gaze-aware 3D Photos

GazeChat: Enhancing Virtual Conferences With Gaze-aware 3D Photos

Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2021.
Keywords: eye contact, gaze awareness, video conferencing, video-mediated communication, gaze interaction, augmented communication, augmented conversation, eye tracking, XR interaction
teaser image of CollaboVR: A Reconfigurable Framework for Multi-user to Communicate in Virtual Reality

CollaboVR: A Reconfigurable Framework for Multi-user to Communicate in Virtual Reality

Zhenyi He, Ruofei Du, and Ken Perlin
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2020.
Keywords: chalktalk, virtual reality, collaborative work, layout, telepresence, communication, XR interaction, augmented communication


ThingShare: Ad-Hoc Digital Copies of Physical Objects for Sharing Things in Video Meetings

Visual Captions: Augmenting Verbal Communication With On-the-fly Visuals

CollaboVR: A Reconfigurable Framework for Multi-user to Communicate in Virtual Reality


Visual Captions: Augmenting Verbal Communication with On-the-fly Visuals Teaser Image.

Visual Captions: Augmenting Verbal Communication with On-the-fly Visuals

Ruofei Du

CHI 2023, Hamburg, Germany.

Interactive Perception & Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse Teaser Image.

Interactive Perception & Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk at UCLA by Prof. Yang Zhang , Remote Talk.

Interactive Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse Teaser Image.

Interactive Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk at ECL Seminar Series by Dr. Alaeddin Nassani , Remote Talk.

Interactive Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse Teaser Image.

Interactive Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk at Empathic Computing Lab , Remote Talk.

Interactive Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse Teaser Image.

Interactive Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk at UMD by Prof. Amitabh Varshney , College Park, Maryland.

Computational Interaction for a Universally Accessible Metaverse Teaser Image.

Computational Interaction for a Universally Accessible Metaverse

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk at GAMES Seminar , Remote Talk.

Fusing Physical and Virtual Worlds into An Interactive Metaverse Teaser Image.

Fusing Physical and Virtual Worlds into An Interactive Metaverse

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk at UCLA by Prof. Yang Zhang , Remote Talk.

Polymerizing Physical and Virtual Worlds into  An Interactive Metaverse Teaser Image.

Polymerizing Physical and Virtual Worlds into An Interactive Metaverse

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk by Prof. Arthur Theil at Birmingham City University , Remote Talk.

Blending Physical and Virtual Worlds into  An Interactive Metaverse Teaser Image.

Blending Physical and Virtual Worlds into An Interactive Metaverse

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk at Wayne State University , Remote Talk.

Fusing Physical and Virtual Worlds into 
Interactive Mixed Reality Teaser Image.

Fusing Physical and Virtual Worlds into Interactive Mixed Reality

Ruofei Du

Invited Talk at George Mason University , Remote Talk.

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