PublicationsProjectsSoftwareVideosMediaTalksArtsy- 1/29/25: Congratulations to Doga on winning 2025 SXSW 🎖️ Innovation Awards Finalist for XR-Object!
- 1/18/25: Congratulations to Peng Dai for SVG at ICLR 2025!
- 1/16/25: Congratulations to Zhongyi Zhou for InstructPipe at CHI 2025 and Fengyuan Zhu for Beyond the Phone at VR 2025.
- 12/17/24: Presented an invited talk hosted by Prof. Nadir Weibel at UCSD.
- 12/12/24: We launched Android XR on XR Unlocked '24. Check out our blog post.
- 12/5/24: Presented "Computational Interaction for a Universally Accessible Metaverse" at KAIST.
- 11/10/24: Served as a Judge in Immerse the Bay 2024 hosted by Stanford XR.
- 10/18/24: Presented Visual Blocks for ML at Web AI Summit 2024.
- 10/14/24: Presented Thing2Reality demo at UIST 2024.
- 9/30/24: Presented an invited talk at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
- 8/26/24: Augmented Object Intelligence is accepted at UIST 2024 and we'll demo Thing2Reality!
- 6/14/24: We published Human I/O on Google Research Blog, with 50K+ views.
- 5/29/24: We published ChatDirector on Google Research Blog, with 560K+ views.
- 4/25/24: Congrats Human I/O team for an Honorable Mentions Award at CHI 2024. See u in Hawaii!
- 4/22/24: FaceFolds won the Best Student Paper Award at SIGGRAPH I3D 2024. Congrats team!
- 4/16/24: Taught "Visual Blocks for ML: Visual Prototyping of AI Pipelines" at Stanford CS 139.
- 4/8/24: Presented a talk "Augmented Communication for a Universally Accessible Metaverse" at UMD.
- 2/8/24: To serve on the technical program committee of UIST 2024.
- 1/19/24: We have three papers accepted in CHI 2024: ChatDirector, Human I/O, and Finger Switches!
- 12/15/23: We published InstructPipe, which magically turns instruction to pipeline in Visual Blocks!
- 11/24/23: Invited talk at IMSL, Sun Yat-sen University: Interactive Perception & Graphics.
- 11/9/23: Invited talk at UCLA: Engineering Interactive Systems for a Universally Accessible Metaverse.
- 10/29/23: Presented Visual Captions & Visual Blocks demos at UIST 2023.
- 10/11/23: RetroSphere received IMWUT Vol. 6 Distinguished Paper Award at Ubicomp 2023!
- 9/29/23: Invited talk at the University of Virginia CS Fall 2023 Distinguished Speakers (slides)
- 9/17/23: Text Stability is landed in the Live Trasncribe app with ~1M DAU.
- 8/31/23: Text Stability is highlighted in the Google Research Blog.
- 8/10/23: Visual Blocks and Visual Captions demo paper are accepted at UIST 2023. See you there!
- 6/7/23: Launched Gallery for Visual Blocks for ML with 160K+ overall PV and 3.8K+ PyPi users!
- 6/6/23: Posted Visual Captions Google AI Blog with 57K+ media views.
- 5/10/23: Launched Visual Blocks for ML and published a Google AI blog (155K+ PV). Try it today!
- 4/23/23: Presenting Rapsai, Visual Captions, and Text Stability at ACM CHI 2023; also check out ThingShare and my chaired session Learning in VR/AR/XR/Immersive Environments!
- 4/3/23: Rapsai won an Honorable Mentions Award at ACM CHI 2023!
- 3/7/23: Remote talk at the University of Auckland, invited by Alaeddin Nassani.
- 2/27/23: MonoAvatar is accepted at CVPR 2023!
- 2/24/23: Onsite talk at the University of Iowa Computing Conference sponsored by ACM.
- 2/21/23: Three papers, one demo, and one LBW paper are accepted by ACM CHI 2023.
- 2/17/23: To serve as an Associate Chair on the program committee of UIST 2023.
- 1/13/23: Three papers are conditionally accepted by ACM CHI 2023. Thank you all collaborators!
- 11/30/22: Served on the Ph.D. dissertation committee (prelim exam) for David Li.
- 11/28/22: Gave a talk entitled "Interactive Graphics for a Universally Accessible Metaverse" at UMD.
- 11/1/22: Chaired UIST 2022 "XR Toolkits" session.
- 10/10/22: Congratulations to Ananta for the acceptance of RetroSPHERE on IMWUT journal!
- 9/26/22: Extended sandwich compression paper accepted at PCS 2022.
- 7/3/22: Congratulations to Brandon Yushan Feng on 1 paper accepted in ECCV 2022!
- 6/28/22: To serve as an Associate Chair on the program committee of CHI 2023.
- 5/10/22: We launched Portrait Depth API in TensorFlow.js, which turns a single photo into 3D!
- 5/11/22: Our work on live translation in AR was the closing feature at the Google I/O 2022 keynote!
- 5/9/22: DepthLab 2.1 is launched on Google Play Store with long-range depth support!
- 5/2/22: Presented 3-hour live demo of Ad hoc UI in CHI 2022.
- 4/9/22: I'm chairing the "AI: Content Generation" session onsite in CHI 2022, see you in New Orleans!
- 4/6/22: “Slurp” Revisited is accepted in DIS 2022, congratulations to Shengzhi!
- 2/16/22: Ad hoc UI accepted in CHI 2022 Interactivity and OmniSyn accepted in VR 2022.
- 1/13/22: Releasing References site for searching relevant publications I have read.
- 12/9/21: To serve as an Associate Chair on the program committee of UIST 2022.
- 12/2/21: Presented an invited talk on metaverse to University of Calgary.
- 11/15/21: Our paper on personalized sound recognition system is conditionally accepted in CHI 2022.
- 9/15/21: Served as a panelist of GAMES seminar.
- 8/13/21: Our paper on gaze-based virtual conference is accepted in UIST 2021.
- 7/22/21: Our paper on Multi-level DIF is accepted in ICCV 2021.
- 5/27/21: To serve as an Associate Chair of CHI 2022 on the Blending Interactions subcommittee.
- 5/20/21: Our paper on neural image compression is accepted in ICIP 2021.
- 5/13/21: I'm chairing the "AR and VR" (C) session in CHI 2021, welcome to the talks!
- 4/2/21: Foveated 360° Video Streaming received TVCG Honrable Mention!
- 3/1/21: Served as an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
- 2/28/21: Feitong's paper is accepted in CVPR 2021! See HumanGPS project page!
- 10/31/20: David's paper on Foveated 360° Video Streaming is accepted in VR 2021 as a journal paper.
- 10/22/20: Presented DepthLab talk and demo on ACM UIST 2020.
- 7/18/20: CollaboVR is conditionally accepted in IEEE ISMAR 2020.
- 6/25/20: Released Android app of Depth Lab and source code on GitHub.
- 4/10/20: To serve as an Associate Chair of CHI 2021 on the EIST subcommittee.
- 2/12/20: 3D-Kernel Foveated Rendering for Light Fields is accepted in IEEE TVCG.
- 2/7/20: MeteoVis is accepted in CHI 2020 as a Late Breaking Work.
- 2/3/20: Released DuWebKit, the interpreter and source code of this website on GitHub.
- 1/22/20: Eye-Dominance-Guided Foveated Rendering is accepted in TVCG (IEEE VR 2020).
- 12/9/19: We published Blending Realities with the ARCore Depth API - Deep Dive.
- 9/27/18: Released DuBibTeX, a Python script to fill in the holes in your bibTeX files for research articles!
- 7/28/18: Language-Based Colorization of Scene Sketches is accepted in ACM TOG (SIGGRAPH Asia 2019).
- 5/28/19: Project Geollery.com is published on Web3D 2019, colocated with SIGGRAPH 2019. See you in Los Angeles!
- 3/23/19: Geollery Rendering and Tracking-Tolerant Visual Cryptography are accepted in VR 2019 poster proceedings.
- 8/12/18: Attended ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 in Vancouver.
- 5/16/18: Presented Montage4D and Spherical Harmonics Saliency at ACM I3D 2018.
- 3/27/18: Presented Holoportation and Montage4D at Microsoft TechFest 2018!
- 10/16/17: Advanced to Ph.D. Candidacy - "Fusing Multimedia Data Into Dynamic Virtual Environments".
- 7/29/17: Attended SIGGRAPH 2017 at Los Angeles.
- 5/22/17: Started internship at Microsoft Research, Redmond on (Mobile) Holoportation.
- 05/05/17: Received the Outstanding Research Assistant Award from Univerisity of Maryland.
- 2/21/17: Invention of the Year Award Finalist at University of Maryland.
- 7/24/16: Social Street View won the Best Paper Award at Web3D 2016! News
- 5/9/08: Won Bronze Medal at Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO 2008).
- 4/8/08: Won Bronze Medal at Chinese Team Selection Contest in Informatics (CTSC 2008).
- 8/1/08: Won Bronze Medal at National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI 2008).